This National Scientific-Technological Infrastructure reinforcement aims to provide an optical multi-valence laboratory opening to the scientific community a set of facilities in the materials optical characterization
Available Services in the framework of the LabOpto project
Equipments for the identification of the PL population mechanisms – PL/PLE systems covering the VUV-UV-VIS-NIR spectral range;
Equipments for PL kinetics studies in different host materials – TRPL and lifetime measurements in the ps–s time range;
Equipment for quantum yield measurements – integrated sphere and accessories.
Equipment are installed and working fine
The VUV-UV PL/PLE equipment:
The UV-VIS-NIR PL/PLE and quantum yield equipment:
If you need to use any of these equipment’s please contact Luis Rino (LRINO@UA.PT)
COMPETE: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027494
Refª FCT: RECI/FIS-NAN/0183/2012